Adiant Capital Partners, a Swiss investment advisory firm specialising in renewable infrastructure, is advising a family office on a 19.2 MW German wind park acquisition.

Adiant Capital Partners (“Adiant”) has entered into a mandate to advise a German family office active in the pulp and paper industry to acquire the Vogelherd wind park project. The completed asset would provide renewable power to the paper mills owned by this family office.
The contemplated transaction consists in Adiant Construction Opportunities, a new investment vehicle managed by Adiant, issuing a mezzanine loan to the project developer to finance the construction of the wind park. Upon reaching Commercial Operation Date, the completed and full operational asset will be sold on pre-agreed terms to the German family office.
The Vogelherd wind park is fully consented and is ready to start construction. The site will comprise eight Nordex wind turbines totalling 19.2 MW. Adiant selected Nordex, a leading wind power company, as the lead Engineering, Procurement & Construction contractor and Operation & Maintenance contractor. Adiant will supervise the construction phase of the wind park.
The Vogelherd wind park will produce 45 GWh of electricity annually, avoiding the emission of 37,000 tons of CO2 each year, corresponding to the consumption of c. 11,000 German households. The project will operate for the next 25 years.